Matt & I just looked through our own Iceland pictures last night and there are some really great ones, even though we probably took the least pictures at all. Hopefully once we get our hands on everyone else's pictures we'll be able to post a few more.
But for the moment, we are in Paris! We just got in yesterday and explored our area (we are staying on the Rue Mouffetard) and had dinner. It was really active last night. A few people even asked us for directions -- we must look like real French people! We did manage to give one guy directions on the train even though we hardly knew where we were.
It's morning here, and we're off to have a chocolate croissant for breakfast. Today we plan to explore Montmartre. We will try to remember to take pictures but historically Matt & I are the worst picture takers ever.
But we did take this one last night in the apartment:

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