About Us: Glendale!

I'm writing from "the bubble". As you may have seen on the news, there is currently an absurdly large conflagration right above our town. When I woke up the other day I wondered if the house was on fire because it smelled so much like smoke. The smoke makes it very hard to breathe, and we don't have air conditioning to filter the air. So we bought an air purifier and the little machine seems to work well -- my eyes, throats and sinuses have stopped burning -- but it's only for a small room. So I've moved into the bedroom, taking with me the TV, DVR, Computer, Printer and things, and I call it 'the bubble'. I intend to stay here until we leave for Iceland in a few days.

Same city, not on fire
We live in sunny Glendale, California. We've lived in the same little bungalow for almost 5 years now. Our house is very old in California terms, being built around 1920. The bungalow in the back of our row used to be the Mayor of Glendale's House. Because of this we have four really giant palm trees in the front of our house that were a gift to the Mayor almost a century ago.

Another big thing going on in Glendale, is it's where they're going to bury Michael Jackson this week. Originally it was going to be on his birthday last weekend but has been pushed back a couple times for whatever reason. Last I heard it's supposed to be tomorrow, but I kind of hope they keep pushing it till after we're gone, because the cemetery is just a few miles from our house and we have wedding errands to run!
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