Things To Do: Philadelphia's Best Museums
There are a lot of museums in Philadelphia, but we hear these are some of the best ones (aside from the Philadelphia Museum of Art, which we already covered here).
And in case you know anyone who is looking, they are also some of the most expensive places to host your wedding reception! But probably well worth it for the beautiful and unique spaces they provide.

This is the most obvious museum stop in the city. A great take in and it is conveniently located between the hotel with our hotel block and the Library where our reception is.
Franklin Institute Science Museum
Science Center, 222 N 20th St, Benjamin Franklin Pkwy
The Franklin Institute Science Museum is where hands-on science displays were pioneered; a highlight is the Ben Franklin exhibit. Downstairs in Fels Planetarium, laser rock shows feature the standard Pink Floyd-type sounds. The Mandell Futures Center highlights computers, health issues and environmental problems.

Did you know that if I didn't get into film school I wanted to be an Archeologist? I believe my mother as a young thing also had some interest in becoming an Archeologist-- must run in the family! Well I applied to UPenn, which has one of the best Archeology programs in the country -- but ended up going to USC and meeting Matt -- oh well!
University Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology
3260 South St, University City
The University Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology is Penn's magical museum, containing archaeological treasures from ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Mayan peninsula, Greece, Rome and North America. Its fragments of Sumerian script are among the oldest examples of writing ever found.

And I don't know much about this museum, but they have a submarine, so it must be good.
Independence Seaport Museum
btwn Vine & South Sts, 211 S Columbia Blvd, Waterfront
Along the Penn's Landing riverfront area is the Independence Seaport Museum, which highlights Philadelphia's role as an immigration hub. Check out the submarine.
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