Oh Iceland

Icelandic Horses say Chill Out!
So Iceland is a country that only has 300,000 people. And they seem to be really laid back (which is actually a bit of a detriment when you are trying to get someone to get back to you). This extends to their wedding-related 'red tape'.
So it took a long time for us to understand this, but it seems all you have to do to get married in Iceland is present some forms and things 5 days before your proposed wedding date. Then a week later you can get a certificate that says you were married. The officiant doesn't need to sign anything - you don't need to even show any proof that anything happened! Totally odd!
But we're not going to be there 5 days before we get married, so Matt called and asked - what should we do? Well, in perfect Icelandic laid back style a guy named Baldur replied - just hand the stuff in when you get here.
Well, ok.
So as far as we know, we should be legally married in the end. But it's all a bit laid back.
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