Things To Do: The Liberty Bell & Independence Hall

The Liberty Bell is certainly a must see, and Independence Hall would be high on most lists. And if our Liberty Bell Forever stamps and Liberty Bell icon on the side of the website hasn't subconsciously drawn you to see the Liberty Bell, I don't know what will.
The Liberty Bell used to be in Independence Hall, but now it contains the "Centennial Bell" and the Liberty Bell has it's own digs across the street.

Independence Hall is where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed. Every time I think of it, songs from the musical '1776' start playing in my head ("Someone outta open up a window....").

Tickets are required for tours of Independence Hall. You can get them there, the day of, but they recommend doing it early, or you can order them in advance -- the information is on the website.
They are both open 9 to 5.
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