Honeymoon In Paris!

We have a truly unusual structure to our Wedding Odyssey. We'll be getting married in Iceland, then going on our Honeymoon in Paris, then returning to the US for our super cool Reception.
Since Iceland is more than half way to Europe, it allowed us to go on a European Honeymoon we may not have been able to do otherwise.
Neither of us have ever been to France, but Matt is quite good with the language. When we went to Italy with the family on Air France, he spoke to the flight attendants in French. And then when they handed out the cards you had to fill out if you were not European, they asked if he was French! He also regularly reads Paris's main newspaper online to keep up on the language.

We're going to rent an apartment while we're there instead of stay at a hotel. If you rent by the week you can get really tremendous deals. Evidently this is how a lot of Europeans travel -- staying in private apartments instead of hotels.

What we're really looking forward to is eating. You may or may not know, that Matt and I are serious gourmet chocolate connoisseurs. I've been researching the best chocolatiers in Paris, and there's a nice NY Times article about renting a bike and visiting 8 of the best, so we're considering spending a whole day doing that! At least you work off all the chocolate =)

Matt is looking forward to sitting in the cafes. I'm looking forward to eating macaroons. I've never had one. I had never even heard of them until I started researching Paris. I've seen some since, but I've decided to wait until Paris to have any -- may as well start with the best!

We haven't really decided on any restaurants yet. It's somewhat challenging because Matt is a vegetarian and in Paris, they really really don't do vegetarian! But we'll make it work =) They have a couple famous falafel stands, and we really like falafels. We're also looking forward to crepes. And of course baguettes and cheese! I've been trying to find an apartment to rent which is nearby one of the big organic street markets.
Although there is only 2 1/2 weeks between the wedding and the reception, it's clearly going to be a challenge to fit back into the same dress after the Paris excursion!

As you can see, we have some ideas, but haven't actually done a ton of planning for the Honeymoon yet, too busy with all the wedding stuff, so please let us know if you have any suggestions! Other than eating, we're certainly going to go to the Louvre and Eiffel Tower -- so let us know if there is anything we must see or do!
for veggie stuff, there's always chinatown and amazing cheese, fresh bread and crepes.
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