You're Still Blogging?

So, as you may recall, we are done being married now. But I seem to still be blogging here at the Wedding blog. Some people are wondering how long they should plan on sticking around for. Well, I will not be blogging indefinitely. But possibly for as long as two more months. I intend to keep things going around here until I finish the online photo album (definitely a few weeks away!) and until we have our 'LA Thing'.
Several of our LA acquaintances who could not make it out to Philadelphia have been on our case about having a low key get together. It would have made sense to do this as soon as we got back, but we decided to have it at our house. And our house is totally not people-ready. So it's looking like December, since that's when our couch will be here (we ordered a couch last weekend! But they hand make them hence the wait time). So you're stuck with me till then.
UPDATE: Yes, there will inevitably be pictures of the couch.
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