Monday, October 26, 2009


It's been a month since the Reception! And what a month- We've been doing over all the rooms of the house, which as it turns out, is a lot of work!

But we wanted to thank everyone who came to the Reception and those who sent us warm wishes. We really appreciate it!

We got a preview of our pictures today from our Philly photographer and I'm excited to keep working on the album. But, he was with us and not with you all during the cocktail hour and while some people have been awesome and given us their pictures, we still don't have any pictures of cocktail hour! Do you have some? Please let me know at alisonveneto [at] yahoo [dot] com. Thanks!

I wish I had something more exciting to report, but really we've been spending all our time on the house! Hopefully it'll be exciting to report when it's finished!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

You're Still Blogging?

So, as you may recall, we are done being married now. But I seem to still be blogging here at the Wedding blog. Some people are wondering how long they should plan on sticking around for. Well, I will not be blogging indefinitely. But possibly for as long as two more months. I intend to keep things going around here until I finish the online photo album (definitely a few weeks away!) and until we have our 'LA Thing'.

Several of our LA acquaintances who could not make it out to Philadelphia have been on our case about having a low key get together. It would have made sense to do this as soon as we got back, but we decided to have it at our house. And our house is totally not people-ready. So it's looking like December, since that's when our couch will be here (we ordered a couch last weekend! But they hand make them hence the wait time). So you're stuck with me till then.

UPDATE: Yes, there will inevitably be pictures of the couch.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Bob Dylan

Last night we went to see Bob Dylan. Matt's work partner had given him tickets as a wedding present. Matt really likes Bob Dylan. I kind of have no feelings on him one way or the other. But we did, in fact, have a really good time.

But I have to say, it was one of the strangest assortment of people I've seen in one place in my life. There was, of course, some older fans, including this guy near us wearing a Bob Dylan shirt who we overheard saying, "Last time I saw Dylan, man...". But there were a surprising amount of older fans along with their kids (who ranged from full grown to the 14 year old kid who was in front of me - which was great because he was short and I could see over him). Then, there were some token "LA people" -- At least one woman with four inch heels and a tight tube top dress. There was another woman, with jeans and a backwards cap, who was dancing like she was at a rap concert, which was pretty entertaining.

But there were all types. All age ranges. All kinds of styles. It was a really great people watching experience.

Dylan was alright too =) I didn't know any of the songs until the encore (when he did one song I knew and another song I didn't know was his because I'm more familiar with a famous cover version) but I liked the music more than I expected. It was all pretty fun, rocky and upbeat.

One of the more amusing tidbits, is that we spotted Dylan's Oscar (he won it for the song from "Wonder Boys". Matt mentioned that he played that song and I should know it because I've watched that movie about a million times). It was on stage on his amplifier. Funny dude.

I always thought that if you need to shorten "Bob Dylan" you called him "Dylan", but evidently I was wrong. Because all the ladies were consistently yelling "Bobby". Shows what I know. Maybe you have to be a more dedicated fan to be on a first name basis. I think as a casual supporter, I'll stick with 'Dylan'.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Happy Anniversary To Us!

It's our one month anniversary! We made it!

It's been a kind of zany two weeks since we've been back. At first we both had to work crazy overtime as punishment for taking so much time off. But I showed them! This week I got a nasty cold, and was forced to spend a good amount of time resting at home. But alas, work has ultimately defeated me as I am now back to working overtime to make up for that time off! The battle continues...

Nonetheless, we deserve a night out! And we're going to celebrate our grand one month anniversary by going to the movies. Which I'm pretty excited about because we haven't actually been to the movies in some time.

Matt gave me the most adorable one month anniversary card (he drew it himself) - with one sheep for each day we've been married (there were lots of sheep in Iceland) - and a pretty rose. Isn't he a great husband?

And hopefully by two months I'll have the whole album (online and physical) put together!

*This blog post was written under the influence of cold medication. I take no responsibility for the content or quality of this post.*

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rocking The Hyphen

Despite the fact that my mother seems to be very amused by calling me 'Mrs. Grady', I'm not giving up my Veneto so easily! Being a modern woman and all, I shall now be Alison Veneto-Grady. Fortunately, with the hyphen, that's still only 12 characters, which is less than Schwarzenegger.

I'm still working on the full online wedding album, we won't have the pro pics from the Reception for 3 more weeks, so be sure to tune back in circa Nov. 1 to see everything!

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